About Us


I have a black belt in full contact oragami. I can eat a million banana split sundaes and still eat at an all you can eat buffet. I can name every single Star Trek Voyager episode. I may or may not have given birth to Barney the Dinosaur's love child. I can save the world without saving the cheerleader  and still come home in time for dinner. I know all the words to You Can Call Al. But I have never ever had a Weebly webpage until now...

So in all honesty, I'm pretty boring and lame. I live right now in California but I have grown up pretty much all over the world. A once Army brat, I am currently a graduate student who lives on coffee and very little sleep. I am so addicted to my iPod and yoga.

I'm an avid reader who stalks used book stores and I've just gotten into Brazillian alternative music. I love Art Deco and Pop Art and I can get lost in art museums for day. I fully believe that one day my Westley will come for me but I do think that Mr. Darcy has ruined me for any other man. I love  old 80's movies like Ferris Bueller and Dark Crystal but sometimes there is nothing like a really bad slasher movie.

I drive a tricked out Hello Kitty car but since I'm part Asian, I think that it's OK. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
*the picture above is from www.hatleygardens.com/japanese_garden.html

Twitter: twitter.com/Rainey_D


I am normal.  Really.  Kind of boring.  That's why we started this website.  To have something interesting to say.  Doesn't necessarily have to be true.  Just look at Rainey's bio.

Okay, for real - California born and raised.  Reader.  Writer.  I'm in love with Mr. Knightley from Jane Austen's Emma.  Men should all be like him.  War and Peace is quite an agonizing read after all.  Sean Connery is the best Scottish actor ever. 

UC Davis graduated with a Bachelor's in English.  Blackberry saved my life.  What would I do without my Blackberry?  Subaru is the best car.  My very first car was a Subaru and that thing rang for seventeen years.  You can't beat that.  Favorite artist is Amy Grant.  I can't tell jokes because I'll just start laughing hysterically before I ever come close to the punchline.

I love French Impressionism.  I think high school dances are a special form of torture for the uncoordinated.  I have an hourglass from Pottery Barn that I absolutely adore.  Shakespeare is my favorite playwright of all times.