
It's true.  English majors as a group are more exposed to sexually explicit content than just about any other, the exceptions being maybe Women's Studies and Criminal Justice.  Almost every novel and major poem we study has some sort of sexual connotation within its pages.

This isn't a new revelation.  Ever pick up Lady Chatterley's Lover?  That alone will leave you hot and bothered.  Or how about Moby Dick for members of the alternative sexual persuasion?  And to think they call these works the greatest pieces of literature in the English language.  Catcher in the Rye, anyone?  Holden Caulfield would enjoy the irony.

As a rule of thumb, people generally don't look to English majors as experts of smut, but they fail to realize that we have a far greater quality than anyone else. 

Perhaps they should consider advertising the major with those specifics.  Earn your degree in English - read the best dirty literature out there.

I'll bet enrollment skyrockets.

By Amy