So it's been exactly ten years since Jay and I made a little bet in 1999 between Russia and China. On June 9th 1999, we were having a little spirited debate about which country was going to be a major world player ten years from that day. I put money on China and Jay put money on Russia. So we are going to meet up for dinner tonight and decide who wins this little bet.

On a different topic, I am trying to figure out what my resolution will be for this year's birthday. It's mostly about weight, eating habits, shopping and money. Huh....I guess I can go for the whole: "I will loose weight by eating better and I won't waste money on shopping."

I think that would work for a good birthday resolution. But the question is will I be able to keep it? I hope so. OK, granted other than my academic and other activities I have attempted to achieve, I haven't really been able to keep any of my resolutions. But it's just a birthday resolution and not a real one, like for New Years or something like that.

By Rainey