How dare you, Mr. FBI Guy, cut us off!  The phone belongs to us, but you are striving to destroy our freedom of speech and squash our hopes of eventually reclaiming this country from the radicals!  Be gone, Mr. FBI Guy!  Be gone!

FYI - Mr. FBI Guy is our nemesis.  Whenever our phones cut off we blame it on the FBI ending our conversation.  Hence our occasional outbursts towards Mr. FBI Guy.


OK, I swear I have always had the weirdest dreams. Really really weird dreams. I can't remember every time I dream or even all the parts of the dreams. But the parts that I can even partially remember are really weird stuff. Really weird and crazy stuff.

But this latest dream is the really oddest one. For one, it involved the CNN silver fox himself, Anderson Cooper. Anderson Cooper and I were having high tea at the Plaza. I was me but sort of in character. I was Eloise, the girl who lives at the Plaza? There I was dressed as Eloise, down to the red bow in my hair. And Anderson Cooper was dressed as one of the flying monkies from The Wizard of Oz. Did I mention we were married? Or maybe we were engaged? Well whatever, we were together romantically.

And I think we were having a fight. Or talking and I wasn't happy. Because it seems, Anderson Cooper was refusing to show me his tail. And I don't mean "tail" as in sexual organ but his actual tail. I guess he was wearing that flying monkey suit for a reason.

I think this dream beats out my dream of Kevin Spacey chasing me around the Exploratorium with a corndog while he was screaming "But you love mustard". You know, I am beginning to re-think that whole "non-sexual" thing about Anderson Cooper's tail. Maybe my dreams have a sexual thing to them? A really weird sexual connection. Huh. Maybe I have to re-read Freud or something.

I really, really worry about my mental health. Anyone else?

By Rainey


Guess what? Now Amy and I (Rainey) are now on Twitter! Yay! OK, it's official folks Twitter just got lame because we got on bored. But before it dies a painful and very Right Said Fred (Remember those guys? The bald guys who sang "I'm Too Sexy"? Yeah, didn't think so.) type of death, give us a Tweet. You can reach Amy's very fun Twitter page at & mine is at We will try to update as much as possible. ^_^