First, let me say I am so sorry that I'm a day late for up-dating the site. But I do have a very good excuse. I had to give a lecture Tuesday night and I just took Wednesday (my day to update the site) as a mental holiday.

I was so freaked out with the thought of giving my lecture. First off, I didn't choose the topic, it was assigned to me by my seminar professor. I was assigned the lecture topic of "The creation of the British national identity in the fifteenth century". I know, not a very interesting topic (well, it became interesting after I did a bit of research but it wasn't something I would have picked for myself). Second, I had to give this little lecture in a lecture hall in front of a whole bunch of undergraduates including my professor and my graduate class. If public speaking isn't daunting enough but can you imagine giving a lecture in front a whole bunch of people who couldn't care less and then your peers and your professor? I thought of it; a lot actually.

Way too much and by the time my lecture day came around, I had kind of tied myself in knots. I kept having this recurring dream where I tripped over my own two feet as I walked up the lecturn.

There is a happy ending though. Not only is the thought of giving a lecture over and done with (I'm telling you looking out in a sea of 200 faces of sleepy kids is kind of sad). But I didn't trip. And I didn't throw-up or run-away or cry or pass-out.

YAY Me!  

By Rainey